Win: tender Koffiefabriek Amsterdam
With the proposal ‘Fitz’ we won the circular tender for the Koffiefabriek-site in Amsterdam. Together with Lister Buildings, U-minds, Boom Landscape and many more, we set a new benchmark for circular architecture and mark the next step in our ambition to contribute to a genuine sustainable environment. More information here.

Update: CLT-house Reeuwijk
We recently finished the preliminary design for the zero-energy bio-based single family house in Reeuwijk. The clients choose to ‘live apart together’ under one roof, which poses an exiting challenge with interesting spatial consequences. More soon.

On site: BSH 4a tops out!
Last week our social housing project for Ymere in Amsterdam Buiksloterham topped out after having gone on-site a year ago. The first tenants are expected to move in by summer 2022. Visit project page here.

On site: Ooievaarsweg
Construction on the renovation of Ooievaarsweg in Amsterdam Noord has started with digging out the ground floor. Visit the project page for more information.